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We are here thanks to our father and our motherand every single one of our ancestors that came before us.
When we have a look into our family tree, with immense gratitude, understanding everything they’ve been through so that we can fully enjoy life, we occupy our place, we take the strength that comes from them and we are able to live fulfilling, successful, abundant lives in all areas.
Connecting with my ancestors has been, without a doubt, the most transformational experience of my life and I want you to have that opportunity as well.
This is why I’ve created, ANCESTRALa powerful group space, so that we can go deep into your family tree, understand the messages that they want to bring forward and let go of what doesn’t belong to you.
Getting to know our transgenerational story is key in fully understanding all of those issues that we are carrying, those patterns that we are repeating, and the invisible loyalties that we have with one or more of our ancestors. By using Family Constellations,, Systemic Movements,EFT-Tapping and Channeling, we can access powerful informationthat has been hidden in our clan.
ANCESTRALis a powerful group workshop where every participant can fully connect with their ancestors. We will embark on on a powerful journey through different family trees so that you can fully receive the messages that are there for you, liberate yourself from what doesn’t belong to you and feel the infinite love of those beings that have been here before you so that you can embrace life more fully.
The people who receive a Family Constellation, will be chosen by me on the spot, based on what I feel is present in the energy Field. And, even though I can’t guarantee that everyone will actually receive an individual constellation, I CAN promise you that everyone will have a deeply transformative experience,have insights and receive loving messages from their ancestors.
Esta edición de ANCESTRAL es, todavía, más especial, porque la venta total de las entradas será destinada a ayudar a la familia de Moutasem Quffa en Gaza. Johanna de Bedout, de Tandem Studio, muy generosamente ha donado la sala para que así todo el dinero recaudado en nuestro taller llegue a esta hermosa familia. Lo único que tienes que hacer para participar es ir al enlace en el botón, hacer una donación mínima de 55 euros para la familia de Moutasem, y mandarme una foto de la donación a hola@shadyakarawiname.com
Hay plazas muy limitadas, así que si quieres ser parte de esta experiencia tan mágica y transformadora, inscríbete ahora.
[/et_pb_text][et_pb_button button_text=»ÚNETE A ANCESTRAL Y AYUDA A MOUTASEM» _builder_version=»4.5.3″ _module_preset=»default» button_url=»https://gofund.me/dfd990be» hover_enabled=»0″ min_height=»58.1px» button_alignment=»center»][/et_pb_button][et_pb_text _builder_version=»4.5.3″ custom_padding=»21px|50px|0px|50px||» hover_enabled=»0″ z_index_tablet=»500″ inline_fonts=»Abhaya Libre»]
We are here thanks to our mother and our father and every single one of our ancestors that came before us.
When we have a look into our family tree, with immense gratitude, understanding everything they’ve been through so that we can fully enjoy life, we occupy our place, we take the strength that comes from them and we are able to live fulfilling, successful, abundant lives in all areas.
Connecting with my ancestors has been, without a doubt, the most transformational experience of my life and I want you to have that opportunity as well.
This is why I’ve created, ANCESTRAL, a powerful group space, so that we can go deep into your family tree, understand the messages that they want to bring forward and let go of what doesn’t belong to you.
Getting to know our transgenerational story is key in fully understanding all of those issues that we are carrying, those patterns that we are repeating, and the invisible loyalties that we have with one or more of our ancestors. By using Family Constellations, Systemic Movements, EFT-Tapping and Channeling, we can access powerful information that has been hidden in our clan.
ANCESTRAL is a powerful group workshop where every participant can fully connect with their ancestors. We will embark on a powerful journey through different family tree so that you can fully receive the messages that are there for you, liberate yourself from what doesn’t belong to you and feel the infinite love of those beings that have been here before you so that you can embrace life more fully.
The people who receive a Family Constellation, will be chosen by me on the spot, based on what I feel is present in the energy Field. And, even though I can’t guarantee that everyone will actually receive a individual constellation, I CAN promise you that everyone will have a deeply transformative experience, have insights and receive loving messages from their ancestors.
This time, ANCESTRAL is even more special. We are coming together to help the family of Moutasem Quffa in Gaza. Johanna de Bedout, from Tandem Studio, has donated the space for our workshop to take place and absolutely every single cent from your ticket, will go to Moutasem and his family. All you have to do to join is click on the button below, make a donation of at least 55 euros to Moutasem’s gofundme and send me a screenshot of your donation to hola@shadyakarawiname.com
Spaces are very limited so, if you want to join this life changing experience, please, book as soon as possible to secure your spot.
[/et_pb_text][et_pb_button button_text=»JOIN ANCESTRAL AND HELP MOUTASEM’S FAMILY» _builder_version=»4.5.3″ _module_preset=»default» button_url=»https://gofund.me/dfd990be» hover_enabled=»0″ min_height=»58.1px» button_alignment=»center» custom_margin=»||47px|||»][/et_pb_button][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][et_pb_row _builder_version=»4.5.3″ _module_preset=»default» custom_margin=»|auto|-20px|auto||» custom_padding=»||8px|||»][et_pb_column type=»4_4″ _builder_version=»4.5.3″ _module_preset=»default»][et_pb_text _builder_version=»4.5.3″ _module_preset=»default»]
Modalidad/Modality: Presencial /In person
Idioma/Language: Español e inglés (depende de los participantes)/ Spanish and English (depending on participants)
Fecha/Date: domingo, 12 de mayo de 2024 / Sunday, May 12th, 2024
Time: 17 a 20hrs
Duration: 3 horas
Lugar: Tandem Studio, Via Laietana 45, 3-1, 08003, Barcelona
*plazas muy limitadas / very limited spots
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I’m Shadya and
I’m here for you
I'm a Spiritual Mentor and I ignite processes of deep transformation in the lives of thousands of people around the globe through my unique Intuitive Healing method, that combines Psychology, Astrology, Family Constellations, EFT-Tapping and Channeling a to offer a holistic approach that is powerful and transformative.
It is time for you to listen to what your soul is trying to tell you and connect with who you truly are.
I’m Shadya and I’m here for you
My Intuitive Love Healing method combines Psychology and a unique mix of Astrology, Family Constellations, Emotional Freedom Technique, Human Design, Akashic Records and Channeling, and more, to offer a super powerful, deeply transformative therapeutic approach.
With each session you will have more clarity on what your biggest lessons are, the gifts that are unique to you, the family loyalties that are keeping you stuck, and activate the power buttons within you to potentiate your magnetism.
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I love each of my clients with all my heart and I feel so grateful to be a witness to the magic and miracles that have happened in their lives, since they’ve worked with me.
May their voices share with you more of what they’ve experienced during our time together:
I love each of my clients with all my heart and I feel so grateful to be a witness to the magic and miracles that have happened in their lives, since they’ve worked with me.
May their voices share with you more of what they’ve experienced during our time together:
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«Conocí a Shadya en un momento en que mi vida estaba cambiando y desde el primer momento sentí como ella me trasmitía energía y mucho amor para empezar esta nueva etapa. Inicie terapia con ella hace poco y me ha ayudado a sentirme segura y confiada, a reencontrarme, me ha enseñado a creer en mi. Muchas gracias por compartir tu energía y tus conocimientos. Eres una mujer increíble».
«I met Shadya at a time when my life was changing, and from the very first moment, I felt how she transmitted energy and a lot of love to me to start this new stage. I started therapy with her recently, and she has helped me feel secure and confident, to rediscover myself, she has taught me to believe in myself. Thank you very much for sharing your energy and knowledge. You are an incredible woman.»
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«El día que tocaba conocí Shadya y a través de su terapia sano un pedazo de mi corazón. Sin culpas, sin dolor, con mucho amor ayudó a que un pedazo de mi vida encajara por fin y me diera aun mas ganas de continuar. Gracias por ser tu y por tus bellas palabras de sanación».
«The day I was supposed to, I met Shadya, and through her therapy, I healed a piece of my heart. Without guilt, without pain, with much love, she helped a part of my life finally fit together and gave me even more motivation to continue. Thank you for being you and for your beautiful words of healing.»
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«Shadya tiene unas terapias y talleres que ayudan a sanar bloqueos que uno tiene desde hace tiempo de una forma muy amorosa y conciliadora. Me encanta como aborda los temas y como de una forma sencilla hace que podamos sanar nosotros mismos nuestras heridas. La recomiendo totalmente a ojo cerrado. Uno queda feliz y tranquilo después de cada cita con ella.»
«Shadya offers therapies and workshops that help heal long-standing blocks in a very loving and reconciling way. I love how she addresses the issues and how she makes it possible for us to heal our own wounds in a simple manner. I wholeheartedly recommend her without hesitation. One feels happy and peaceful after each appointment with her.»
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«Mi sesión con Shadya la disfruté muchísimo! Sobretodo por la paz y tranquilidad que transmite, en especial por la energía de amor que brota de ella. Permite abrirte y mostrarte tal como realmente eres y expresar lo que sientes. Fue maravillosa y me ayudo a entender mucho la raíz de mis problemas y sentimientos. Absolutamente recomendada».
«I thoroughly enjoyed my session with Shadya! Especially because of the peace and tranquility she exudes, particularly through the energy of love that emanates from her. She allows you to open up and show yourself as you truly are and express what you feel. It was wonderful and helped me understand the root of my problems and feelings a lot. Absolutely recommended.»
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«He tenido la hermosa oportunidad de conocer este gran ser humano, y tener varias sesiones juntas, donde ella con su amor, carisma, conocimiento y experiencia me ha brindado herramientas muy útiles para poder solucionar de la mejor manera las cosas. No dudo ni dudaré en seguir contactando de sus servicios para cuando la necesito. La recomiendo al 100% quienes estén en búsqueda de esa Mano Ayuda. Ella es un sol que ilumina mucha de nuestras vidas. Mil Gracias my Shadya «.
«I have had the beautiful opportunity to meet this great human being and have several sessions together, where she, with her love, charisma, knowledge, and experience, has provided me with very useful tools to solve things in the best possible way. I have no doubt and will not hesitate to continue contacting her services when I need them. I recommend her 100% to those who are in search of a helping hand. She is a sun that illuminates many of our lives. A thousand thanks, my Shadya.»
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«Shadya usa una combinación de técnicas científicas y alternativas para trabajar los bloqueos que nos impiden seguir adelante. Es muy intuitiva pero también muy aterrizada. Lo que más me gusta de ella es que no se queda en el diagnóstico, sino que pone un polo a tierra para ayudarnos a tomar acciones.»
«Shadya uses a combination of scientific and alternative techniques to work through the blocks that prevent us from moving forward. She is very intuitive but also very grounded. What I like most about her is that she doesn’t just stop at diagnosis, but she provides a grounding point to help us take action.»
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After you experience LEGACY, nothing will ever be the same ANCESTRAL, Because you will know with absolute certainty that behind you is a loving army of men and women, guiding you powerfully toward life.
After you experience ANCESTRAL nothing will ever be the same because you will have the deep certainty that you have behind you a loving army of men and women that support and lift you towards life.
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